How thyroid malfunction affects your heart

Abnormal function of the thyroid gland can lead to multiple heart problems

Key Points


  • Thyroid hormones can directly affect the function of the heart
  • People suffering from hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism have a higher risk of developing heart disease
  • People who have suffered some forms of heart disease have low levels of thyroid hormones and have poorer health outcomes
  • Treatment with thyroid hormone therapy may be safe and beneficial for patients with chronic heart failure
  • Optimal gut microbiota composition and function is linked to a healthy thyroid function
  • A healthy diet and optimal lifestyle changes can benefit thyroid function
  • Modern Functional Medicine offers a comprehensive approach to test for thyroid malfunction, elucidate the key underlying problems and identify optimal treatments


The thyroid gland is an important component of the endocrine system – the system responsible for the production of all the hormones in our body. Many hormonal dysfunctions that affect our health can be traced back to the malfunctions of the thyroid gland.

The thyroid gland



Located below the larynx and at the front of the throat, the thyroid is a gland composed of two sections or lobes, which lie on either side of the trachea (Figure 1).


Thyroid gland

Figure 1. A normal thyroid gland.



The thyroid gland secretes the hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), which are involved in the regulation of metabolism, as well with the growth and development of children. Some key facts about these thyroid enzymes include:


  • T3 is considered the biologically active hormone.
  • T4 must first be converted to T3 to interact with thyroid hormone receptors.
  • Most of the T3 enzyme present in the body is produced by conversion of T4, through the action of deiodinating enzymes.
  • In the heart, cardiomyocites (heart cells) produce two key deiodinating enzymes, called type II iodothyronine deiodinase (DIO2) and thyroxine 5-deiodinase (DIO3)


Alterations to the optimal function of this gland, and on the levels of the hormones it produces, can result in metabolic malfunction, including heart problems, neurological disorders, constipation, weight gain or weight loss, depression, or hair loss, among others.


Thyroid gland and health

Alterations to the optimal functioning of the thyroid gland result in abnormal levels of thyroid hormones, which can have wide-ranging and serious consequences to your health.

The most common forms of thyroid malfunctions include:



When this gland is underperforming and producing less than optimal hormone levels, there can be a wide range of consequences for our health, including fatigue, cold sensitivity, constipation, dry skin and unexplained weight gain. This condition has been estimated to have a prevalence of nearly 3% in Australia and 5% worldwide1. There are two main types:


  • Overt hypothyroidism, which occurs when there are elevated serum levels of TSH (Above 10mU/l) and low serum levels of the hormone T4. This condition affects between 0.2% and 2.0% of the global population.


  • Subclinical hypothyroidism, which occurs when there are elevated levels of the TSH hormone and normal levels of the thyroid hormones. Subclinical hypothyroidism can be mild (TSH between 4.0–4.5mU/l, but less than 10.0 mU/l) or severe (TSH more than 10.0mU/l).



This occurs when the thyroid gland produces an excess of hormones, leading to symptoms like unexpected weight loss, rapid or irregular heartbeats, sweating and irritability. There two main types:

  • Overt hyperthyroidism, which occurs when laboratory tests indicate low levels of the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and high levels of thyroid hormones, above the laboratory reference range.


  • Subclinical hyperthyroidism, defined as having low levels of TSH (<0.3 or 0.4mU/l), and T3 and T4 serum levels are within the reference range.


Focus on Iodine, diet and health

Iodine is an important mineral, used by the thyroid gland for hormone synthesis. Hence, it is important to consume minimum amounts of this mineral. Current recommendations vary according to age (Table 1).


Table 1. Recommended dietary intakes*

Infants aged 0–6 months* 90 µg
 Infants aged 7–12 months* 110 µg
 Girls and boys aged 1–3 years 90 µg
 Girls and boys aged 4–8 years 90 µg
 Girls and boys aged 9–13 years 120 µg
 Girls and boys aged 14–18 years 150 µg
 Women and men aged 19 years and over 150 µg
 Pregnant women 220 µg
 Lactating women 270 µg

*According to Australian government recommendations.


Iodine is found in a wide variety of foods, including seafood, dairy products, eggs, and some vegetables like Brussel sprouts or broccoli (Table 2). Iodine is also commonly found in cooking salt, which is added during or after cooking.

While iodine is an important micronutrient, excessive iodine intake can result in a malfunction of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is a highly flexible organ, being able to adapt and tolerate high levels of dietary iodine. For example, for most adults, excess iodine intake of up to 2 grams/day (about 13,000 times the recommended dietary intake) can be tolerated without any health effects2.

However, chronic excessive iodine intake can result in conditions like goitre (an enlargement of the thyroid gland), hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, thyroid autoimmunity, Grave’s disease, and thyroid cancer3. Hence, it pays to know how much iodine you are ingesting on a daily basis. Below are some common sources of iodine on everyday foods (Table 2). Among foods, seaweed is particularly rich in iodine, which, depending on the species, can contain between 10 to 2,000% of the recommended daily intake of iodine4.


Table 2. Iodine content of various foods, according to Food Standards Australia & NZ

Foodmicrograms of iodine per 100 gmicrograms of iodine per serveserve size
Oysters1601446 oysters – 90g
Sushi (containing seaweed)92921 sushi roll – 100g
Canned salmon60631 small tin – 105g
Bread (except organic bread)46282 slices bread -60g
Steamed snapper40501 fillet – 125g
Cheddar cheese2342.5 cm cube – 16g
Eggs22192 eggs – 88g
Ice cream21102 scoops – 48g
Chocolate milk20601 large glass – 300ml
Flavoured yoghurt16321 tub – 200g
Regular milk23571 large glass – 250ml
Canned tuna10101 small tin – 95g
Bread, organic322 slices – 60g
Beef, pork, lamb<1.5<1.52 loin lamb chops
Apple, oranges, grapes, bananas<0.5<0.61 apple


Thyroid function and heart disease

Tissues found in and around your heart respond to alterations in the levels of hormones produced by the thyroid gland. Studies have shown that even small changes in the concentrations of thyroid hormones can affect the function of the cardiovascular system. Some key findings about the link between the thyroid gland and heart disease include:

  • Altered levels of thyroid hormones can influence the health of the hearth, with studies showing that patients with hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism have an increased risk of developing heart disease


  • Heart cells (cardiomyocytes) have specific receptors that bind to thyroid hormones5.


  • Thyroid hormone activity regulates myocardial contractility and systolic function, as well as regulating the expression of certain genes important for heart function6-8.


  • Subclinical hypothyroidism and subclinical hyperthyroidism are associated with a 20 -80% increase in vascular morbidity and mortality9-10


There are several risk factors associated with heart disease and thyroid function, including:



This term refers to high levels of fats in the blood. Thyroid hormones are involved with the metabolism of fats and the risk of atherosclerosis11. People suffering from overt hypothyroidism and subclinical hypothyroidism have a high chance of also developing hyperlipidaemia, which carries an increased risk of developing atherosclerosis12-15.


Blood pressure and vascular function

Studies have shown that patients suffering from overt hyperthyroidism tend to develop systolic hypertension16-17. However, the link between subclinical hyperthyroidism and hypertension is less supported, with some studies supporting a link18-19 and others not20-21. Both overt and subclinical hypothyroidism has been associated with diastolic hypertension and impaired vascular function12.



This condition occurs when blot clots form within a blood vessel, vein or artery, potentially blocking it or reducing the normal flow of blood. Both overt and subclinical hyperthyroidism has been associated with dysfunction in the normal process of blood coagulation22-23. The link between thrombosis and subclinical hypothyroidism, in contrast, remains uncertain, with studies showing conflicting results5.


Heart Failure

this is a complex condition, influenced by various factors, which results in impaired function of the heart as a blood pump. The most common form of heart failure is coronary artery disease, a condition associated with myocardial infarction (heart attack) in most patients24. The myocardium (heart muscle) is very sensitive to the levels of circulating thyroid hormone. Abnormal levels of thyroid hormones can lead to heart failure5. Severe hypothyroidism has also been shown to affect the function of the pericardium (a double-walled sac containing the heart), causing pericardial effusion. This condition occurs when there is an abnormal accumulation of fluid inside the pericardium25.



Factors affecting thyroid function


Optimal thyroid function depends on multiple factors, from the diet you follow to your genetic makeup and the composition of your gut microbiome. Also, certain diseases can affect the function of the thyroid gland, like viral or bacterial infections, autoimmune diseases, cancer, genetic disorders, and certain cancer treatments.

Among these factors, the role of the gut microbiota has received special attention in recent years. Gut dysbiosis is often found in patients suffering from different thyroid dysfunctions.

Two key mechanisms linking the gut microbiota, thyroid health and heart disease are:


Abnormal intestinal permeability

Our intestines represent an important line of defence against pathogens. Intestinal permeability refers to the ability of the intestinal mucosal lining to act as a barrier, which prevents the passage of pathogens, toxins and other harmful molecules into our body. Alterations to the normal barrier function of our intestines have been linked to multiple chronic diseases, including coeliac disease, obesity, diabetes, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chron’s disease, food allergies, and others. Multiple factors are associated with intestinal permeability, including diet, food additives, gut dysbiosis and exposure to certain environmental factors26-27. One consequence of increased intestinal permeability is an increased immune response, due to the passage of toxins and other antigens that trigger the immune system. Chronic inflammation can affect multiple aspects of your health, as it can target multiple tissues in the body. Alterations to thyroid function have been linked to chronic inflammatory responses28-29.


Nutrient absorption

Another important role of the gut microbiome is to facilitate the absorption of micronutrients into our body. In fact, some vitamins, like vitamin K and B, are synthesized by gut bacteria30. However, gut bacteria also have important roles with our body’s uptake of micronutrients, such as iodine, selenium, zinc, and iron, which are critical for optimal thyroid function. These micronutrients are essential for the synthesis and function of thyroid hormones. Studies have shown that gut microbiota composition can affect the absorption of these micronutrients. For example, reduced abundance of the gut bacteria Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes has been linked to inflammatory bowel disease, a condition characterised by poor iodine absorption. Iron is more efficiently absorbed in an acidic environment in the intestine, and a healthy gut microbiota can favour this process by helping maintain acidic conditions in the intestine28.


Modern Functional Medicine and Thyroid Health


At the Australian Centre for Functional Medicine, we take into consideration multiple factors that are associated with heart disease. Thyroid function is just one of multiple factors that can be at play in the development of heart disease.

We use comprehensive testing to understand the health of your endocrine system, which includes your thyroid gland, and various other factors that affect the health of your heart. We perform stool, blood, breath, and urine testing, targeting multiple biomarkers that can inform us about your health. Based on the results of these tests, we can evaluate levels of relevant hormones and identify mechanisms that may lead to heart disease. With this information at hand, we can design an optimal, research-based treatment plan.


BECOME A PATIENT TODAY and learn about the status of your thyroid gland, your endocrine system and about multiple other factors that can affect your heart.






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