Diagnostic Testing

Deeper Health Insight

Tailored Testing

Whole-Health Focus

Convenient At-Home Testing

What Is Diagnostic Testing

Many individuals undergo blood testing at some stage in their lives. However, for AUSCFM patients, diagnostic testing extends beyond a standard blood panel typical in GP clinics across Australia. Lab tests have limitations, and conventional medicine assesses illness and disease. One of the cornerstone values of AUSCFM is constantly asking, are you healthy, not what is your illness or disease?

Answering that question requires a thorough examination of your health. In-depth testing provides a clearer insight into the body’s systems. Although the testing approach is customised for each patient, it typically involves comprehensive blood tests like a full thyroid panel, a thorough nutritional analysis for deficiencies, a complete metabolic panel, a total blood count, and an assessment of inflammatory markers.

Why Is Functional Medicine Testing So Important?

Laboratory-based blood tests are frequently invaluable, revealing health concerns like leaky gut and food sensitivities. Moreover, they aid in identifying the potential triggers for thyroid issues or mood disorders such as depression and anxiety.

Apart from blood testing, doctors at AUSCFM use another tool to investigate symptoms: at-home specialty and functional medicine tests. Frequently, these tests can illuminate issues that standard testing fails to identify.

Diagnostic Test Example

A patient treated at AUSCFM was suffering from dermatitis, an inflammatory skin condition manifesting as redness, discomfort, pain, and itchy skin. Despite trying various topical medications following consultations with a dermatologist, the patient still experienced symptoms. Notably, the patient also reported digestive symptoms. After conducting advanced GI testing, it was confirmed that SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and dysbiosis were present. Treatment for SIBO & dysbiosis resulted in almost instantaneous improvement in her dermatitis symptoms, enabling her to discontinue many of her prior medications.

Without the at-home test, the patient could have endured dermatitis for a significantly extended period.

Tailored Testing For Personalised Healthcare

At AUSCFM, we understand that not everyone requires every type of advanced functional medicine testing. Each test must be carefully considered based on your unique symptoms and existing health conditions, ensuring a personalised approach to your health.

Health issues that warrant comprehensive testing may include:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Diabetes
  • Weight loss resistance and weight gain
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • High blood pressure
  • Digestive disorders
  • Hormonal Imbalances

In such cases, specific tests can effectively reveal risk factors or triggers for these conditions.

AUSCFM Membership

As a member of AUSCFM, your healthcare experience is transformed, with so much more on offer than just traditional primary care. Our doctors and health coaches devote 360 minutes each year to your health  – more than ten times what you would have with your regular doctor! Not only do you receive quality time during your appointments, but you also get access to supportive advice and guidance before and after your visits. Become a member today to start transforming your healthcare experience.

As an AUSCFM Member, You Are in Complete Control of Your Healthcare Journey While You Heal From The Comfort of Home.

Functional Medicine Testing

While it is impossible to delineate all symptoms necessitating at-home functional medicine testing, there are several instances when it is required.


Your Gut Function And Microbial Balance Is Impaired

If you’re experiencing digestive problems, inflammation, or mental health issues, it could indicate an underlying gut health concern. Focusing solely on digestive symptoms like bloating, constipation, or diarrhoea is common when addressing gut health. However, AUSCFM doctors emphasise the importance of exploring more profound aspects of gut health when patients present with these symptoms.

The digestive system plays a vital role in overall health, with many diseases originating from it. The mind-gut connection is significant, impacting emotions and mental well-being. Therefore, investigating gut health becomes crucial when individuals exhibit signs of mood disorders such as anxiety or depression.

Moreover, AUSCFM doctors consider gut health when patients display signs of inflammation or autoimmune conditions. Approximately 70 per cent of the immune system is located in the digestive tract, highlighting the impact of gut imbalances on overall health. Imbalances in the gut microbiome can lead to chronic inflammation, affecting the immune system and causing systemic symptoms.

Vital diagnostic tests include SIBO testing for symptoms like bloating, GERD, and irregular bowel movements. A complete microbiome mapping through at-home stool tests can provide valuable insights into digestion, inflammation markers, bacterial balance, yeast overgrowth, and parasite presence. These tests offer a detailed overview of gut health status.


You Have Hormonal Imbalances

Patients experiencing irregular menstrual cycles, fertility issues, diminished libido, and other signs of hormonal irregularity can benefit from a thorough hormone evaluation.

High cortisol levels are prevalent in both genders, and prolonged elevation is linked to conditions like hypertension, obesity, diabetes and osteoporosis.

Recommended Diagnostic Tests

The DUTCH Test, a convenient at-home saliva and dried urine test, comprehensively assesses hormone levels and daily fluctuations. It covers various hormones such as cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, aiding both women and men. We highly recommend DUTCH testing for women dealing with menstrual or fertility challenges.”

A cortisol-focused saliva test may be more suitable for individuals showing signs of stress-related symptoms.


You're Experiencing Unusual Symptoms, And There Isn't An Apparent Cause

AUSCFM doctors also consider gut health assessment in cases of hormonal imbalance, incorporating tests to ensure optimal digestive function. “Effective hormone detoxification involves a healthy digestive system, which is crucial in addressing hormonal issues.

Testing for food sensitivities may offer valuable insights when a patient experiences vague symptoms without an apparent cause, such as lingering headaches, digestive complaints, brain fog, rashes, joint aches, and fatigue. Food sensitivities differ from intolerances and allergies, as they are not life-threatening and do not manifest immediately after consuming the offending food as intolerances do. Identifying trigger foods can be challenging due to the delayed onset of symptoms associated with sensitivities.

If an elimination diet fails to pinpoint the problematic foods, a food sensitivity test can provide a more comprehensive analysis. AUSCFM doctors evaluate sensitivities to 180 foods, food colourings, and additives through this testing. The results can guide the implementation of a tailored elimination diet to confirm actual sensitivities. Additionally, assessing gut health through diagnostic tests can enhance understanding of food sensitivities.


You Have Signs And Symptoms Of Environmental Toxins

Mold, heavy metals, and other environmental toxins can lead to symptoms such as:

  • Difficulty with word finding
  • Issues with concentration
  • Low levels of energy
  • Numbness and tingling sensations
  • Weakness
  • Persistent digestive problems

“In such instances, it is crucial to investigate if an individual has a history of exposure to these substances. For example, have they been exposed to a mold-infested environment or resided in a water-damaged structure? Further diagnostic testing might be advisable if a patient is exposed to environmental toxins.

Relevant Diagnostic Assessments

AUSCFM utilises advanced blood tests that identify toxic metals and various mould species in the blood. “Upon detecting positive toxin exposure using these tests, the initial step involves eliminating these toxins from your surroundings to minimise daily exposure. Subsequently, we can explore strategies to alleviate some of the burdens your body is currently enduring.”

The Latest Functional Medicine Research

Discover the latest breakthroughs and innovations in functional medicine with our collection of engaging articles and eBooks. Our research team delve into the latest scientific research, providing insights and knowledge to optimise your health. Whether you’re a patient or simply curious, our informative resources are tailored to help you thrive. Keep checking in for the most current and trusted information on your well-being.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How Does At-Home Diagnostic Testing Work?

To understand how at-home diagnostic testing functions, AUSCFM Health members receive most tests delivered to their doorstep with an express prepaid return label, ensuring seamless sample return to the referring lab. Test results typically are received within 2 to 3 weeks, with varying timelines for different tests.

How Much Does At-Home Diagnostic Testing Cost?

Functional medicine tests are accessible across all Australian states. While Medicare may not cover at-home specialty testing directly, individuals may need to bear the cost. AUSCFM Doctors carefully evaluate the necessity of these tests before recommending them to patients.

Despite potential expenses, at-home testing provides a unique opportunity for individuals facing chronic symptoms and disease and those seeking comprehensive insights into their health that may not be attainable through conventional medical practices. One keynote is that research shows that over 87% of Australian and New Zealand residents seek healthcare outside the traditional model.

What Happens After My At-Home Diagnostic Testing Results Are Ready?

Upon receiving the results, your AUSCFM doctor will conduct a comprehensive review during your case review appointment. Our primary goal is to educate you thoroughly about how your body is functioning. Subsequently, an action timeline will be devised and implemented if required.

Regardless of the outcome, our health specialists stress the importance of not making treatment decisions solely based on test results. Instead, these results are a component of the patient’s comprehensive health history and current symptoms. Our holistic approach focuses on the individual rather than just the test outcomes.

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